Monday, June 28, 2010

A Visit From The Healy's

While Amanda is living on the east coast until November, she is spending her first half at the in-law's house and then she will be staying with us. Even though she isn't with us yet we have been able to visit with her and the babies a few times. It has been so fun to spend time with her and the kiddies! They are so sweet and really smiley. Despite the fact that they were sick this week, we still managed to have some fun.

Mark had to take a little nap break because he was so tuckered out! I couldn't resist this picture:

But then the resulting shutter noise woke him up, woops!

Gianna loves her Word World show.

Apparently she LOVES hummus, she stuck her face right in it!

I can't wait to get even more fun pictures of them!