Monday, June 28, 2010

A Visit From The Healy's

While Amanda is living on the east coast until November, she is spending her first half at the in-law's house and then she will be staying with us. Even though she isn't with us yet we have been able to visit with her and the babies a few times. It has been so fun to spend time with her and the kiddies! They are so sweet and really smiley. Despite the fact that they were sick this week, we still managed to have some fun.

Mark had to take a little nap break because he was so tuckered out! I couldn't resist this picture:

But then the resulting shutter noise woke him up, woops!

Gianna loves her Word World show.

Apparently she LOVES hummus, she stuck her face right in it!

I can't wait to get even more fun pictures of them!

Monday, May 24, 2010

California, Here We Come

I've already posted all of my pictures from my trip to San Diego but I thought I would share some of my favorites. I have a ton from the beach that I will do a separate post on because those pictures are gorgeous and the babies look adorable! Enjoy these great shots!

Look at that attitude!!
Model in the making:

I love this! He is bouncing right out of the shot
Alisa was such a trooper the whole week and was GREAT with the kiddies! Thanks for coming with me :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What in the hail?

It's 1:41 in the morning, I'm wide awake, still on California time, and its POURING outside, which reminded me of the insane hail storm we had last week. Luckily, I was able to run and grab my camera to take a few pictures. I'll be honest, I was a little bit concerned about how this weather would affect my car sitting outside, exposed to the elements, but she is a trooper and pulled through without a scratch.

The hail started out as small pea sized guys, but then I think it's confidence grew and so did it's size. Can you see the rainbow in the last picture? It was gorgeous! Here's hoping the weather improves! Maybe I'll go back to the west coast. Goodnight!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Little Favor

Hi Everyone!
Just a quick note to ask you all a favor. My soon to be nephew Trey is in a competition to see who the cutest kiddo is. He is currently racing for 1st place and we need all the votes that we can get! I would so much appreciate it if you could go to the link below, and vote for Trey (he is #32). You can vote until April 15th! If nothing else, take a look at the photographers page. She is based in Charlotte, NC but she does beautiful work and has done a majority of the pictures of Laurie, Doug and Trey. Thank you so much! And please pass this along to all of your friends!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April Critters

I suppose there are certain personality types that are animal lovers. People tell me that I have this type of personality but I am NOT the animal lover that they hope for. And it all started with this puppy:

Look at the attitude she is giving me! This is my family's dog Leisle (Yes, from The Sound of Music) I have never met a dog that hated me more than this dog hates me. In fact, the other day she was following me around while I was getting ready, I was thinking that she wanted to spend some quality time together. But 15 minutes later, I walk into my room and she left me a not-so-nice gift on my freshly vacuumed carpet!! What the heck??!! What dog is that evil and vindictive? Clearly I'm still upset about it. But this picture ignited the idea of gathering my Spring pictures of all the little creatures that come out for the warm weather.

I have to admit, this ladybug is super cute!!

I am heading into DC today to get some pictures in the city while the cherry blossoms are in bloom so come back soon to check those out!
Have a great Easter weekend!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cherry Blossoms 1.0

These were taken in my front yard. We have some beautiful cherry blossoms that are in full bloom. This weekend I will be heading to DC to take more pictures at the Cherry Blossom Festival. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

And Then The Rain Comes

As I was outside taking pictures yesterday, this pigeon kept "coo-ing" at me, as if he wanted his picture taken. And he did really well, he let me take a few shots, then when he felt like he was done with the photo shoot, he flew away. I love that part of spring, hearing birds outside the window. Unless its one of those mornings when the most obnoxious bird in the world chirps for a good 2 hours at 6 am on a Saturday.

What I was really trying to shoot was the rain storm rolling in. I can ALWAYS see it coming in at this same spot and I love it. Because I can't really see behind all the houses and trees, the storm tries to be sneaky. Is it weird that I am personifying everything on this post?

I love it so much when it rains. I love shooting in the rain. It adds a new element and dimension to life. And it always represents a washing within myself. I think this time around, I am wanting to wash the desire of man's praise, specifically towards my blog and photography. I talked about this for a long time with some friends last night and Jake pointed out the fact that its the Lord's praise that is the best kind of praise! And part of that is hearing how my photos really impact people. Not simply that they like my pictures or they think I'm a good photographer, but that the pictures "speak" to them.

Does that sound completely ridiculous?? Its OK if it does. I want to become more willing to share what's on my heart and what the Lord is speaking to me. For so long I have been afraid to share my feelings and heart because it has backfired before. But I am again willing to be open with people. This post may be a bit scatter-brained but hopefully I was able to get across what I was trying to say!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Time Is Nature's Way Of Saying "Let's Party!"

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." ~Charles Dickens

It has been an entire month since I have done any real photography. Life has been busy, my heart has been screaming for Springs arrival, and I have had no inspiration.

The Dickens quote is a perfect, concise explanation of the two picture below. Both taken of the same thing (a BEAUTIFUL orchid that Heather got for me), but one taken in the light of summer and one in the winter shade. And that is really how it feels today!

I have nothing inspiring from myheart to give you with this post. Maybe someone who reads it will have their own inspiration to add. If this is the case, feel free to share it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"It's Been a Long Night and I Am Weary"

I think many of us can relate to how this tree is feeling. It has tried so hard to stand up straight and be strong and fight against the weight it has been given daily. But finally, it just said, I'm tired, and it's OK to stop fighting now.

My heart is broken and very weary. Our friend, spiritual father, relationship advisor and teacher has decided to join with the tree and realize that it's OK to stop fighting the long battle he has bravely fought. As I sit at my desk, reading through everyone's memories, accomplishments and healing because of my mentor, I can't help but be so proud that I knew this man and knew him outside of the high school and pastoral realm.

I have never been more excited for the month of November to approach. I am marrying my best friend in November and my Dear Friend is the reason we are able to celebrate a wedding on that day. Brian and I have reached "the end" of our relationship on a couple of occasions. But before we actually decided to break things off, we decided to go see Our Friend to gain wisdom and insight. He saved our relationship - he believed in us when we didn't believe in us.

How I wish I could see him at the end of the aisle when I walk down to meet my groom. How I wish we could enjoy learning about married life from this great man. How I wish for so much more after he has already given so much. I love you so much. I am so grateful for your support, love, revelation, life, and most of all teaching us how to be sons and daughters and how to be Fathered.

A greater man I will never know.

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Fun Snowy Surprise!!

This is what it looks like outside my house right now - snowy but dreary. Its not even a happy snow yet! But just a moment ago my day got much much happier!!

I received a box from FedEx and I was so excited and partially confused because I was not expecting anything, well atleast for a few more days anyway :)

This is what I found in the box, how cute is this wrapping??

And as I further opened the package I found an adorable cookie inside with our wedding date and a "K" printed on it. AND it's in our colors!
My initial thought was that some company was sending me free samples because I've been receiving endless marketing materials, etc from wedding businesses. But then I found a cute note inside from my awesome photographer Kristen Gardner! It made such a sparkle in my day and it was such a sweet idea! Thank you so much Kristen! You are so thoughtful!!
Now I have to decide if I should save it or eat it....???

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I find it very amusing that in previous years those who have participated in the Virginian winters would complain that we would not get a "good snow". And this year, when we get a bit more snow than normal (just like everyone wished for) they are so disappointed. While I hate cold weather and do not enjoy spending any kind of time outside when the weather is miserable, I love what a snow day represents. Everything is quiet and more peaceful. Fires are built in the fireplace (or turned on by a switch - silly gas fireplaces) hot chocolate is enjoyed, books are read, rest is had, no one feels guilty about doing nothing all day.
Enjoy all these things that are available during your snow days - you may even want to prepare for Friday, a foot of snow is expected!!??

Friday, January 29, 2010

Wedding Things

I know - just seeing the title of this post may make some people hit the "back" button because weddings are a source of deep bitterness and anxiety, and trust me, I've been there too - but I am having so much fun with everything!! My mom, Joyce and I (and sometimes Grammy) are having a great time traveling everywhere! It seems like every weekend we are getting together to do something to complete wedding plans. I guess I want to communicate how incredibly lucky and blessed I am.

Starting the planning process was incredibly stressful. I could not find a venue that was beautiful and affordable. I was afraid I would end up getting married in some old warehouse serving Chick-fil-A platters (no hard feelings towards them because they do have wonderful food) - but this is my wedding day and of course I want everything to be perfect and beautiful and for everyone involved to have a great time! It has been amazing to see how everything has been orchestrated without ever having to lift a finger! The Mimslyn Inn is perfect. I am so excited to spend an entire weekend with my family (new and old!), friends and most importantly, my new husband.

I couldn't be more grateful for those closest to me who have been so generous in their contributions. Bobbi and Meme helped me pay for the photographer! I was so stunned and speechless when they wanted to do this that I don't think I gave them a good enough "thank you". And Joyce has been so wonderful throughout the whole process, she has tagged along on all of the outings and even wants to help with a portion of the wedding! I am so lucky to have such wonderful future In-laws that only want us to be happy. Finally, how could I forget my wonderful Mama. I think she is way more excited for this event than I am! She is a researcher and her research has paid off well. She found the Mimslyn, and even a baker that will make a wedding cheesecake (neither Brian nor myself like cake).

I love to brag about the great people that surround me and Brian daily. Even Alisa (one of my bridesmaids) said to me "I don't really know how to be a bridesmaid because I've never done it before, but I'm going to go find out!"
I wish I could express how appreciative I am of everyone! Please understand that you are loved more than you know!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Two Thousand When?

Does everyone else feel like 2009 was especially depressing? I know that everyone was struggling with the economy and other such negative things but it seemed like there was an overall feeling of sadness throughout the year. There was definitely good reason to feel these sad emotions, and as much as I wanted to help all of my friends and family that I loved so much, I just couldn't because I wasn't strong enough to help myself. Can anyone relate?

But then came the sunshine, or atleast 2010. The new year brought an unspoken end to that sadness and a hope for a fresh start and something really good. So many people that I have talked agreed that they feel so excited for this year. Whether it be marriages, books written and published or simply thinking more positively, I think 2010 holds the beginning of a bright future. And thats when you can see the sunshine peak through all the darkness. I want to encourage you all to keep looking through the dark branches into the sunshine. The light draws you towards happy times and motivational thoughts. Go for the dreams that you've been keeping, even if you think it won't succeed, atleast you are trying to reach your goals.

Sending everyone lots of love, hope and success in life. Love to you all!