Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bounce Flash Tutorial

Don't you wish that I had said something cuter in the post title like "tute" cause "abreves" are "totes" cool right now? You are following the wrong blog if that is the case. 

Yes, yes, every once in a while I will break out my cutesy talk but that usually happens when I am trying to get something from Brian ( innocently of course ). In my long sabbatical of no photos this year, my external flash battery died. "Not a problem" you say? Totes a problem. (hehe just kidding) I do not know where my charger for this thing is. And it wasn't even the correct flash for the camera I have. I need to suck it up and buy a new one. "WHHHAAATTT??!!!" say you...I know, right?! Because I HATE flash more than life itself. Its ugly and fake and natural light is so much more beautiful and soft and perfect. So flash can die and I avoid it like the plague. However....there are rare occasions when it is needed. But when those times come, I usually end up not even taking a picture, that's how much I hate it :) Sorry flash, no offense but you're ugly. But I digress...

Well I thought I would share a little "secret" if you will for those of you who have been stricken with the perils of not owning such external flash, or your flash has flashed its last flash. What is my secret pray tell? 


(I use two stacked together)

Used in the following way:

(You will need to cut slits in the card so that it stays attached to the camera, you will see the thin metal pieces that it needs to fit into)

"Peas and carrots, peas and carrots, whisper whisper, what did she say?"
Yes my friends. And it is very simple. 

Now I should warn you that this method will only work with a DSLR style camera so if you have a point and shoot, I do not know of such methods to help with the crappy flash, but I may research and find out for you. 

"Stop talking!!"
"Show us some pictures!!"

Well, ok!

Below is a photo taken with direct flash:

EEEWWWW gross! See all the nasty shadows and harsh light? 
"But Kristyn, don't we want mood and shadows in our photos" NOT like that, I say!

Well here we have a subtle change using our index card bounce flash method:

See how much gentler and softer the lighting is? SO much better! Probably should have taken the lighter out of the photos. By the way, do you LOVE my ginger jar? After finding the last one in existence at TJ Maxx and graciously offering it to my Mama who desperately wanted one as well, I searched high and low for another (both here in VA and NC, my sweet sister-in-law has even been on the hunt for one). All that to say, my mom gave me hers and it happily sits in my foyer. However, Z Gallerie has one for sale in their store for $100. Oh, you don't want to spend $100 on an urn? Me neither.

Here's another angle:


And with the index card bounce flash:


See? Easy-cheesy! And you too will be taking beautiful photos with stupid flash :-)

Any questions? Just leave them in the comments. 

And here is an artsy photo for those of you who have the munchies.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Can You Hear The Giant Sigh I Just Did? Gave? Said?

**Can I just add that I am super irritated with this layout. Everything has gone to hell...

So...this is how I feel about blogging again. Like the face? Don't get me wrong, I love it and it's fun. But seriously...there is so much pressure to do it...and EVERYONE is doing a blog. But it makes sense when they have something to share. Families growing, crafts, beauty blogs. Love them all. B.U.T. I often feel like my posts are lacking. And I get frustrated with Blogspot...(any suggestions on an easy website to transfer to?)
The uploading of the photos backwards makes me crazy....and the fact that my photos get uploaded and it screws them up. SO I have decided that my post today will contain pictures I have not even edited. These were taken in Alaska. My fabulous Aunt Bobbi invited B and I to go with her and MaryEllen to ALASKA. It was awesome! And so beautiful! The wildlife was crazy and I won a photo contest on our cruise! But enjoy these and also be thinking of a better blogging website I can use...a free one that has great templates and allows me to upload my photo larger that 1"x 2".

Iceberg, dead ahead!

That lady's face is funny. 

The awesome group! It was so fun and B and I even participated in one of those "Marriage Games" where you have to go onstage and be embarrassed. We won second place against a couple who have been married for over 60 years. The losing couple had been married for 30. We rock.

This concludes my post. It was ok. But don't go crazy on me and start the "You need to blog again, it's been 4 days!" While my sarcasm is heavy today, I also understand how you feel. I myself find that when my favorite beauty guru doesn't update me on the hottest lipcolor for fall, I get a little cranky. So look forward to better, deeper and more entertaining blogs to come.

I should come up with some cheesy sign off.... thoughts? Ideas?